Installation and Deployment

Instructions for setting up the Aggregator and Registry APIs and their database.


APIs and database can be set up in containers or locally. Requirements for installation:

  • Docker
  • Python 3.8+
  • PostgreSQL 12.6+


Install both Aggregator and Registry APIs with a single command.

git clone
cd beacon-network
pip install .

The APIs can then be run with the following commands:

# Run aggregator

# Run registry

This starts the web applications with aiohttp.web.run_app using aiohttp’s default server. This is a lightweight way to run the apps, but for more stability see the Production Server section below.

Development Server

For development, both APIs can be run withouth installation using aiohttp’s default web.run_app method.

cd beacon-network
# If running without installation, install modules first
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run aggregator
python -m aggregator.aggregator

# Run Registry
python -m registry.registry

Production Server

For production it is recommended to use gunicorn instead of aiohttp’s default server for stability.

Environment variables APP_HOST and APP_PORT can be used to designate a hostname.

# Run aggregator
gunicorn aggregator.aggregator:init_app --bind $APP_HOST:$APP_PORT \
                                        --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornUVLoopWebWorker \
                                        --workers 4

# Run registry
gunicorn registry.registry:init_app --bind $APP_HOST:$APP_PORT \
                                    --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornUVLoopWebWorker \
                                    --workers 4

Image Building

Aggregator and Registry can also be built into an image and then be deployed. First build the image. The same base image will be used for both services.

Either s2i or docker can be used to build an image from the source code. s2i builds very quickly, but is rather large in size ~700MB. docker builds the image with Dockerfile and results in an image roughly half the size of s2i at ~370MB, but takes considerably longer to build.

# Build using s2i
s2i build . centos/python-36-centos7 cscfi/beacon-network

# Build using docker
docker build -t cscfi/beacon-network .

Manual Container Deployment

Run the images with docker, specifying which service to run with the environment variable BEACON_RUN_APP which can take only two distinct values: aggregator and registry.

# Run aggregator
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e BEACON_RUN_APP=aggregator cscfi/beacon-network

# Run registry
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e BEACON_RUN_APP=registry cscfi/beacon-network

Other environment variables can also be passed here to overwrite the values given in the configuration file.

Database Container


The Registry API is dependent on a PostgreSQL database. This can be easily set up in a container as well. The created database will be populated with the init.sql located at registry/db.

cd beacon-network/registry/db
  docker run -d --name registry-db \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=user \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=registry \
  -v "$PWD"/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ \
  -p 5432:5432 postgres:12.6

Docker Compose Deployment

docker-compose can be leveraged to launch both Aggregator and Registry APIs with a database for Registry simultaneously.


docker-compose up


The image must be built with docker in order for this to work, see Image Building section above.